Dragonflies are remarkable insects. They belong to the order Odonata which comes from the Greek meaning tooth. There are two sub-orders of this group: Anisoptera—the large, fast-flying dragonflies…
Dragonflies are remarkable insects. They belong to the order Odonata which comes from the Greek meaning tooth. There are two sub-orders of this group: Anisoptera—the large, fast-flying dragonflies…
We have been busy developing the History Explorers’ Saturday Club. There have been a number of sessions including: learning about barn owls, their habitats and making a barn…
It was a great privilege to join St Michael’s CEP on their visit to Sissinghurst Castle. The ranger team of Peter, Sam and Brook were superb; they were…
Oak – Quercus robur When you are walking in the Weald, it is likely that you will pass an oak tree. During winter, its branches seem to reach…
About The Wild Escape The Wild Escape is a major new project led by Art Fund uniting hundreds of museums with schools and families in a celebration of…
What’s in a name? The barn owl’s Latin name is Tyto alba. White owl is the translation. The owl is a native bird and was named by the…
What’s in a name? Corvus means raven, frugilegus means fruit gathering. Rooks have been with us for a long time, probably since farming began. The word rook is…
Anglo Saxons knew the robin by the name ‘ruddoc’ which means ‘little red one’. The robin’s scientific name is Erithacus rubecula. The adjective ‘rubecula’ is a diminutive…
‘The Wild Escape’ is a national initiative led by the Art Fund and supported by the Arts Council England. ‘Taking place from January to July 2023, ‘The Wild…
The Redstart is one of the animals that will be staging an escape from the Museum. From left to right: male, female, and a juvenile. ‘What’s in a…