We have been busy developing the History Explorers’ Saturday Club. There have been a number of sessions including:
- learning about barn owls, their habitats and making a barn owl;
- an exploration of the Museum’s fossils, followed by ‘excavating’ a fossil brick, modelling ammonites and drawing a Tyrannosaurus Rex;
- telling an adapted version of Gawain and the Green Knight for a young Tenterden audience, talking about the impact of knightly codes and literature on society, making pop ups of characters in the story;
- exploring medieval bestiaries and creating an illustration of an incredible animal;
- meeting the Museum’s animals, talking about taxidermy and making a comic strip hedgehog story;
- last but not least, making a nature journal, designing the cover, discussing the oak tree and becoming a citizen scientist.
Please find below a copy of the programme.

We are continuing our engagement with the Wild Escape Project through some of these events. Do come and join us.